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A Place For Emerging and Established Writers To Publish Their Work
SUBMISSIONS A quarterly online magazine, Muscadine Lines: A Southern Journal features short fiction and creative nonfiction of emerging and established writers. The site also maintains an archive of works from previous issues. Above all, Muscadine Lines: A Southern Journal wants exemplary writing with a broad appeal. MLASJ seeks writing that is uniquely Southern, writing that has a special focus on Southern life or tradition, writing that conveys the Southern voice or the Southern experience. MLASJ seeks Southern writers--those who currently live in the South, those who have lived in the South at some point in their lives, those who have Southern connections, or those whose works are set in the South. MLASJ reserves the right to publish writing that is not necessarily Southern, but appeals or applies to us all. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Please read carefully!
We accept short fiction and creative nonfiction under 2,000 words. This length is appropriate for our readers, viewing on a computer monitor. (If you would like to submit a story or essay slightly longer than this, please let me know.) Please proofread your work carefully! Send only polished and edited work! Work containing spelling and grammatical errors and typos will not be accepted. Submissions should be in plain text pasted in the body of an email message or sent as an attachment in MS Word .doc format. Send your full name, email address, and a brief bio (up to 50 words) in third person, giving your credentials and affiliations. Please put Submission in the subject line. Otherwise, you may go to Spam. Send submissions to: If your work is accepted, we will publish it, along with a bio, online. There is no monetary paymentonly exposure to an audience of appreciative readers! We will try to respond to your Submission on a timely basis; however, please understand that it may take 6 to 12 weeks for reading, placement consideration, and responding. (If you haven't heard from me in three months, please re-send and let me know that you did not get a response. You might have inadvertently been sent to Spam, or Outlook Express could have deleted my emails again during compacting. And I'm sorry to say that I sometimes read and don't respond promptly, and then the email gets buried in a host of others. Above all, you as a writer are important to me, so please get back in touch!)
LEGAL INFORMATION Your submission affirms that the material is your original writing and that you are the legal copyright holder. By submitting your work, you give MLASJ a one-time, nonexclusive, revocable right to publish your writing online. You retain all copyrights. By submitting your work, you affirm that we reserve the right to edit for spelling and grammar and to make other minor revisions if necessary.