A Place For Emerging and Established Writers To Publish Their Work    


A Writers Portfolio, or Web Page, offers you a web presence. It also gives you a site to list on your business card and resume, as well as a handy spot to showcase your work. The portfolio includes:

1) a sample of your work, up to about 3000 words or so (poetry to 100 lines)
2) your bio (up to 250 words)
3) a marketing spiel for a completed work, if applicable
4) a link to your personal Web site, if applicable
5) an e-mail link
6) a personal web address, e.g.: ASouthernJournal.com/JaneDoe

A Writers Portfolio is $25 for a one-year subscription, renewable at the end.

Sample writing for the portfolio can be a novel excerpt, short story, travel / humor article, essay, memoir, poetry, etc.

For a MLASJ Writers Portfolio subscription, make your $25 check payable to Kathy Rhodes, MLASJ Editor and for the address to send it to via snail mail.

E-mail the submission / info in plain text pasted in the body of an email or send as an attachment in MS Word .doc format to .


Only in the South!

Enjoy the fruits of our labor
fiction, humor, essay, memoir, and more.
Handpicked fresh from the vine.

Pop a morsel in your mouth.
Enjoy the burst of flavor.
Juice--ample, delicious, delightful.
Inhale the sweet grape perfume.
Like fine wine.

[MLASJ is home-based in Franklin, Tennessee.]


Copyright © 2004-2010