A Place For Emerging and Established Writers To Publish Their Work    

Welcome to MLASJ Archives!

Previously published work is alphabetized according to the author's LAST NAME.


BBooksigning for Muscadine Lines: A Southern Anthology at Cool Springs Barnes & Noble in 2006 --
we still hold the store record for having the most authors (19) signing at the same time!

* An asterisk denotes that the story or poem is published in
Muscadine Lines: A Southern Anthology and not available to read online.

Muscadine Lines: A Southern Anthology ...
A BOOK BORN FROM THE ONLINE JOURNAL 28 stories, 28 poems, & 28 writers!

A - F

L. Ward Abel - "1864"
L. Ward Abel - "Roberta", "Scarlett" *
Gale Acuff - "Good Boy"
Brock Adams - "Holiday"
Mary Akers - "Roadkill"
Steven Akins - "The Gospel"
Steven Akins - " The Morning After"
Jeffrey Alfier - "A Rural Baptism"
Gregory Allen - "Cain and Abel"
Nancy Evelyn Allen - "My Friend, Paul"
Randy Allstun - "The Dynamic Duo and Clarence"
Randy Allstun - "She Stands Alone"
Travis Andersen - "My Heart for a Horse"
Judith O. Anderson - "Blackberry Winter"
Judith O. Anderson - "Grass Soup"
Judith O. Anderson - "Grief"
Judith O. Anderson - "He Said He Loves Me"
Judith O. Anderson - "Jonathan"
Judith O. Anderson - "Perspectives"
Judith O. Anderson - "The Alpha Dog"
Judith O. Anderson - "The Dam"
Judith O. Anderson - "Unexpected Consequences"
Rebekah Anderson - "Ten Cents"
Crystal Elisa Andrews - "Life Without Passion"
Crystal Elisa Andrews - "Pause"
Thomas Brent Andrews - "My First Near-Death Experience"
William Franklin Andrews - "Snowball the Orphan Lamb"
Michael Angelo - "The Return"
B.G. Armstrong - "Beauty, Blood and My Grandfather"
Suzanne Aubin - "Mid-Day in Matanzas"
Cathy Azar - "Hollyhocks in Heaven"
Brian Bagwan - "Maddening Winds"
Pam Bailes - "My First Garden"
Gloria Ballard - "Garden Mystery and Magic"
Veronica Randolph Batterson - "Click Clack Cadillac Club"
Lee Battles - "Dust Devil"; "The Lunch"
Danny P. Barbare - "A Southern Moon"
Glenda Barrett - "Chicken Dinner"
Glenda Barrett - "The Gist of the Matter"
Glenda Barrett - "Tricks of the Trade"
Barry Basden - "A Pallbearer for Aunt Madge"
Veronica Batterson - "The Southern Myth"
Glenda Beall - "Confrontation"
Glenda Beall - "Buck, My Brother Ned, and the Snake"
Betty Wilson Beamguard - "Ina Galbreath Remembers"
Kimberly L. Becker - "All the Graves"
Judith Behar - "Warning"
Sandy Benitez - "Synergy"
Aileen R. Bennett - "First Love"
Aileen R. Bennett - "God's Grace"
Aileen R. Bennett - "Hi, Pretty Lady!"
Aileen R. Bennett - "Sisters"
Drema Hall Berkheimer - "Mr. Pursley's World
Joyce Billingsby - "Headlines: Multiple Deaths Stun Tennessee Community"
Joyce Billingsby - "Mountain Wife"
Joyce Billingsby - "The Betrayal"
Kevin Blankenship - "The Midway"
Kim Blevins-Relleva - "Lacking Experience or Sophistication"
Monique Bos - "A Man of Few Words"
Gerald Bosacker - "From Hertz to Hurts"
Gerald Bosacker - "Indian Corn"
Gerald Bosacker - "Porcupines"
Louis E. Bourgeois - "A Stack of Pine Trees"
Luke Boyd - "Always in Character"
Luke Boyd - "The Swamp"
John Brazell - "Giraffes Can Too Make a Sound"
Mary Brennan - "Chain of Fools: The Miller's Tale Retold"
Mary Brennan - "The One and Only Escapade of the Pine-Panel Kid" *
Christine Brooks - "Time to Smell the Flowers"
Artemis Brown - "The Ballad of Ivy Bailey"
Gilda Griffith Brown - "Evil Revisited"
Gilda Griffith Brown - "Lincoln Cole's Family"
Gilda Griffith Brown - "Swim Away" *
Suzanne Brunson - "Book Store"
Suzanne Brunson - "Dandy Chapeau"
Suzanne Brunson - "Table Manners"
Bobbie Buchanan - "Stomping Ground"
Luke Buckham - "Born Again Again"
Brian Buckley - "Advice from an Acorn"
Julie Buffaloe-Yoder - "The Dying Song"
Graham Burchell - "Waiting for the Cane"
R. L. Burkhead - "Topography"
William C. Burns, Jr. - "Parting Glance"; "Haunt"
Jeremy Byars - "Hitchhiker"
Katherine Bynum - "Bucharest Night"
James Carpenter - "Island in the Sky"
Jim Carson - "Somewhere"
Gary Carter - "My Very Own Big Bang"
Lou Carter - "The Biscuit Cutter"
Salena Casha - "Take Note"
Kristi Castro - "My Life by Water, Part II"
Chance Chambers - "Miss October" *
Helen Chapman - "Sparkles"
Casey Clabough - "The Lands Further Off: Following Athowominee (Part I)"
Vickie Clasby - "Bobby Blue"
Christine Ann Clatworthy - "Harbingers"
Christine Ann Clatworthy - "The Gardener"
Ed Coet - "Comfort"
Ed Coet - "Distant Warrior"
Ed Coet - "Moment"
Ed Coet - "Soldier"
Ed Coet - "Testimony of a Suicide Survivor"
Terry Collett - "All or Nothing at All"
Terry Collett - "An Office Scene, New York 1926"
Terry Collett - "Frock"
Terry Collett - "Martha Maguire's Afternoon Stint"
Terry Collett - "Picture of Innocence"
Terry Collett - "The Confessional"
Terry Collett - "The Drama"
Terry Collett - "Westminster Bridge, 1947"
Heather Collings - "On the 141st Anniversary of the Battle of Franklin"
Louise Colln - "I've Been Lost in Milwaukee in the Rain"
Louise Colln - "Four Haiku"
Louise Colln - "Shadows"
Louise Colln - "Worth A Thousand Words"
Jack Conway - "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie"
Jason Cook - "Flat Rock"
Jackie K. Cooper - "A Letter from Heaven"
Jackie K. Cooper - "And Then Came the Miracles"
Jackie K. Cooper - "A Trip to Memory"
Jackie K. Cooper - "Bless the Beasts and the Children"
Jackie K. Cooper - "Can You Hear Me Now?"
Jackie K. Cooper - "Fear Itself"
Jackie K. Cooper - "Get Rid of the Blues With Jeans"
Jackie K. Cooper - "God Bless the Independent Bookseller"
Jackie K. Cooper - "Grieve Well, Heal Well"
Jackie K. Cooper - "Happiness is Just"
Jackie K. Cooper - "He Could Have Danced All Night"
Jackie K. Cooper - "Helping Each Other"
Jackie K. Cooper - "He's Flying the Plane"
Jackie K. Cooper - "How Old Are You?"
Jackie K. Cooper - "Ill Health"
Jackie K. Cooper - "I've Found My Face"
Jackie K. Cooper - "Like a Hole in the Head"
Jackie K. Cooper - "Little Dogs Mean a Lot"
Jackie K. Cooper - "Live from Perry Georgia"
Jackie K. Cooper - "Lonely Hearts"
Jackie K. Cooper - "Lonesome Town"
Jackie K. Cooper - "Reports of My Death Have Been Totally Exaggerated"
Jackie K. Cooper - "Saving Carolina"
Jackie K. Cooper - "The Animal Kingdom"
Jackie K. Cooper - "The Beauty of the Words"
Jackie K. Cooper - "The Can't Wait Kid"
Jackie K. Cooper - "There Are Tomorrows"
Jackie K. Cooper - "Tomorrow"
Jackie K. Cooper - "War and Rumors of War"
Jackie K. Cooper - "The Way We Read"
Jackie K. Cooper - "You Are What You Car"
Heath Corlew - "My Rump Hurts Disorder"
Rebekah Cowell - "O Sinner, Let's Go Down, Down to the River to Pray"
Rebekah Cowell - "The 'Flies' of Summer"
Robert Cowser - "Learning Early About Marijuana and Murder"
Robert Cowser - "Mystery Only to Some"
Robert Cowser - "The Lavalier"
Robert Cowser - "The Things They Owed Her"
Wilson Crawford - "Summer in the South"
Louie Crew - "Umbilicus"
Susan Cushman - "Are These My People?"
Shome Dasgupta - "Thieves"
Devin Davis - "Retire"
Joy Ross Davis - "Mother the Snake"
Holly Day - "Deny"
Daren Dean - "The Dead Flowers"
Diane Elayne Dees - "In Praise of Snowy Egrets"
Diane Elayne Dees - "Life Goes On"
Amedeo Dellago - "Great Plain's Dance"
Amedeo Dellago - "The Snail Market"
Thomas N. Dennis - "Muslin"
Angela DePriest - "Laughing All the Way"
Judy DiGregorio - "A Boy, A Bag, A Paper Route" *
Judy DiGregorio - "Campground Do-Si-Do"
Hannah Dills - "Blink"
Hannah Dills - "Bring Brother Back"
Jennifer Dix - "From My Old Room"
Jennifer Dix - "Gone"
Jennifer Dix - "Small Town Reverie" *
Jennifer Dix - "Vanilla" *
Liz Dolan - "Intimations of Carson McCullers at New Smyrna Beach"
Dorris Douglass - "Thoughts of a Local Historian"
Peggy Smith Duke - "Cricket Music"; "Zucchini"
Peggy Smith Duke - "Up on the Highway"
Susie Dunham - "Abracadabra"
Susie Dunham - "Parlor Cowboys" *
Susie Dunham - "Tick Attack in Tennessee" *
Linda Dunn - "A Girl's Version of Puff"
Linda Dunn - "Keeping Up Appearances"
Linda Dunn - "The Buttermilk Goblet"
Annette Evans - "Willie's Living Faith"
Richard Fein - "Birthday Jettisoning", "Contradictions", "Bearing Witness"
Marilyn M. Fisher - "The Patchwork Man"
Bill Fleet - "Of Frogs and Fire"
Bill Fleet - "One O'Clock on Christmas Morning"
Bill Fleet - "Partners"
Bill Fleet - "Partners, Part 2"
Bill Fleet - "Partners, Part 3"
Bill Fleet - "Partners, Part 4"
Bill Fleet - "Partners, Part 5"
Bill Fleet - "Picking Black-Eyed Peas"
Nancy Fletcher-Blume - "Supplication"
Nancy Fletcher-Blume - "Tone Poem"
Nancy Fletcher-Blume - "Transcending McDonald's"
Bob Flournoy - "I Still Remember Tony"
Alan Floyd - "Hum Baby"
Christopher Fog - "Voodoo"
Michael Fontana - "The Middle of Nowhere"
Beverly Forehand - "Country Matters"
Beverly Forehand - "Cows Gone Wild"
Beverly Forehand - "Crayons"
Beverly Forehand - "Cry Me a River"
Beverly Forehand - "Flight and Other Possibilities of the Human Spirit"
Beverly Forehand - "Hollow"
Beverly Forehand - "Home Place"
Carol Dee Foster - "Brier Buddha"
Connie Foster - "Just Like His Old Man"
Connie Foster - "The Sweetest Word" *
Leeuna Foster - "Oh! The Price of Biscuits and Gravy"
William W. Fraker - "Aunt Jean"
William W. Fraker - "Fleur de Lis"
William W. Fraker - "Left Behind"
William W. Fraker - "Memorial Day for Carlyle"
William W. Fraker - "Nostalgia Resides in the Marrow" *
William W. Fraker - "Proust knew the power of aroma" *
William W. Fraker - "Sirens in Full Vibrato"
William W. Fraker - "The Persimmon Only Sweetens with the First Frost"
William W. Fraker - "Union Sympathizer"
Margaret A. Frey - "Graduation"
Bill Fullerton - "Bar Fight & Revelation"
Bill Fullerton - "Moonlight and Revelations"
Bill Fullerton - "What Summer Means To Me"
Rich Furman - "Cycling the Void"

G - L

Daniel Gallik - "A Revolver of White Truth"
Betty Galloway - "Dale"
Betty Galloway - "Suppertime"
Harvey L. Gardner - "Football: It Isn't All Glory"
Harvey L. Gardner - "Living with Mrs. Clean"
Umesh Ghoshdastider - "In the world everywhere..."
Umesh Ghoshdastider - "Kiss"
Umesh Ghoshdastider - "Untitled"
David Gibson - "Road People"
Elizabeth Glass - "Cindy's Garden"
Daniel L. Glenn - "Passing by a Day"
Phillip Good - "Looking for a Room"
Phillip Good - "Rain in New Orleans"
Mary Grabar - "In Limbo"
Judy Lee Green - "Death by Dove"
Judy Lee Green - "I Need Mountains"
Judy Lee Green - "The Magic of Mercurochrome"
Roseanne Griffeth - "Hawk Kill"
Andrew Grossman - "Detainee #113943C"
Charles Hale - "The Enemy Sat Shotgun"
Sharon Haley - "Chicken Every Day"
Sharon Haley - "One More Statistic"
Jason Hancock - "Like Leaves, Like Trees"
Lucille Hardy - "Old Things"
Newt Harlan - "Barefooted"
Newt Harlan - "Hoodoo Queens"
Melanie Harless - "Barefoot Innocence"
Melanie Harless - "Sunday Dinner"
Jim Harrington - "We Made Them Proud"
Benjamin Harrison - "Awake in the House of Dreams"
Traci Harrison - "A State of Mind"
R. W. Haynes - " It Was the Shoes"
T. R. Healy - "A We of Me"
Dixon Hearne - "A Good Woman Knows"
Sandra Heck - "Thief in a Brown Suit"
J.A. Heitmueller - "Firecracker Granny"
J.A. Heitmueller - "His Favorite"
J.A. Heitmueller - "The Attic"
J.A. Heitmueller - "The Bridge"
Van Henderson - "Tupelo Honey"
Deanna Hershiser - "Part of the Richness"
Perry Higman - "Country Sunday"
Susan Hoffman - "The Leaving of Miss Teddy Ming"
Patricia A. Hope - "All I Ask of You"
Jennifer Horne - "Why I Live at the Albert Pike Hotel"
Elizabeth Howzrd - "Coiffure Magic"
Elizabeth Howard - "Enemy at the Gate"
Elizabeth Howard - "Exorcism"
Elizabeth Howard - "Kingfisher"
Elizabeth Howard - "Shadowboxing the Moon"
Carolyn Howard-Johnson - "Dandelions in Autumn"
River Huffman - "Home from the War"
River Huffman - "Old Things Considered"
River Huffman - "Pumpkin Bread"
River Huffman - "Solomon Point"
River Huffman - "The Ghost of Pork-N-Beans"
Lockie Hunter - "The Mourning of Pear"
Crystal Elisa Hurst - "Alabama"
Jason Huskey - "A Connecticut Yankee in Kit Carson Court"
Jason Huskey - "Awaiting Arrival"
Beth Boswell Jacks - "Elvis 101"
Angela Jackson-Brown - "Serving Up Smiles"
Walter B. Jackson - "A Special Teacher Cures My Brain Tumor"
Walter B. Jackson - "veinticinco"
Oritsegbemi E. Jakpa "Word"
Duncan James - "I Promise"
Alan Jankowski - "The Birthday Party"
Roy Jeffords - "Cropper"
Don Jennings - "A Night Out in Flat Rock"
Robert N. Jennings - "The Day of the Emu"
Michael Lee Johnson - "If I Were Young Again"
Michael Lee Johnson - "In This Place, Poverty Falls"
Michael Lee Johnson - "Poem From My Grave"
Michael Lee Johnson - "Revolutionary Snow"
Michael Lee Johnson - "Willow Tree Night and Snowy Visitors"
Neil O. Jones - "Cross-Eyed Stanley and the Cushman Eagle"
Neil O. Jones - "Grand Theft Auto"
Neil O. Jones - "Roar of the Lion -- Purr of the Cat"
Neil O. Jones - "Schooling for the Sorrel Stud and Me"
Liu Jue - "Indulged in Pies"
Mellie Duke Justad - "Dr. Earl, Me, and the Pot Roast Makes Three"
Laurie Michaud Kay - "Backstage"
Laurie Michaud Kay - "Harley and Me"
Laurie Michaud Kay - "Raising Eyebrows"
Sandi Keaton-Wilson - "Test of Faith"
Sandi Keaton-Wilson - "The Baptism"
Janice Keck - "Love and Faith"
Lisa Marie Keene - "Bees Are Attracted to the Breath"
Raud Kennedy - "Bruised Fruit", "Together"
Raud Kennedy - "But First You Have To Love Yourself"
Raud Kennedy - "Generations"
Raud Kennedy - "Holidays"
Raud Kennedy - "House of Cards"
Raud Kennedy - "Late Bloomer"
Raud Kennedy - "Mother"
Raud Kennedy - "My Three Boys"
Raud Kennedy - "Reduced Speed Ahead"
Raud Kennedy - "The Bus 2.0"
Raud Kennedy - "The Fluttering Curtain"
Raud Kennedy - "The Two-Legged Cow"
Robert Morris Kennedy - "In My Bones"
Robert M. Kennedy - "Our Saigon Memento"
Michael Keshigian - "Afternoon Barbecue"
Michael Keshigian - "The Running Itch"
Diane Kimbrell - "The Visitor"
Jerry W. King - "A Small Ceasing-to-be"
Jerry W. King - "in the library some years ago"
Ryan King - "First Gator"
Dimitris P. Kraniotis - "Fictitious Line"
Jo Neace Krause - "The Black Man's Daughter"
Jane K. Kretschmann - "Ambrosia" *
Jane K. Kretschmann - "Chessie and the Masons"
Jane K. Kretschmann - "The Good Shepherd"
Kate LaDew - "Wish I Knew"
Sharon Lampert - "Finite"
Marshall Lancaster - "Willie Wonka Grape"
Jeremy Lane - "The Guest"
Joyce Lee - "Quilting Weather"
Joyce Lee - "The Fare"
Joyce Lee - "The Length of a Love Song" (Excerpt)
Joyce Lee - "The Names Go On...September 11, 2002"
Joyce Lee - "The Passage With No Name"
Joyce Lee - "The Whispering Moon"
S.R. Lee - "A Cumberland Christmas, Circa 1910"
S.R. Lee - "Elegy"
S.R. Lee - "Fragment of Creation" *
S.R. Lee - "Serious"
Chay Lemoine - "Maggie's Dilemma"
Chay Lemoine - "Maggie's First Anniversary"
Chay Lemoine - "Mama's Affair"
Chay Lemoine - "Silent Killer"
Michael Levy - "Four Haiku"
Michael Levy - "Going Strong"
Michael Levy - "Gyrations of the Universal Wheel"
Michael Levy - "In An Old Home"
Michael Levy - "In the Passage of Dream-time"
Michael Levy - "The Glass Elevator"
Ming Lien - "Nashville Tornado: Disaster Relief Memoir"
David Lindsay - "The Siege of Alesia"
Richard Lighthouse - "Activities During Meetings"
Thomas A. Longo - "The Burden"
Thomas A. Longo - "The Purpose"
Helen Losse - "A Bit of Ethnic Wisdom"
Helen Losse - "Highlights"
Helen Losse - "The Sparrow"
Helen Losse - "Thrown Out"

M - S

Penny MacPherson - "Dabney's Last Ride"
Penny MacPherson - "Hurricane Poems"
Penny MacPherson - "My Belle Jana"
Penny MacPherson - "Nature's Wedding Sprinkled with Shenandoah Seasonings"
Penny MacPherson - "Warm, Vibrant Dahlias on the Ground Beneath"
Kelly Ann Malone - "Betrayal"
Ginger Manley - "Shredding"
Ginger Manley - "Simple Pleasures" *
Tammy Manor - "A Surprise Found 1000 Miles Away"
Charles Martin - "Blessings"
Lisa Mason - "Chicken and Rice"
Scott Mason - "Dark Water"
Dennis Mayne - "The Pompano Are Running"
Patrick McCarthy - "Belated Irish Rose"
Matthew R. McDonald - "What They Must Think"
Jennifer McGaha - "Cold Feet"
Mickie McGee - "Boiled Peanuts: Caviar of the South"
Mickie McGee - "Dear Hearts"
Mickie McGee - "Delicate Condition"
Mickie McGee - "Doo Happens"
Mickie McGee - "Family Reunions"
Mickie McGee - "Garden Tubs"
Mickie McGee - "Gas Pains"
Mickie McGee - "Surgery Tips"
Mickie McGee - "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?"
Tracy Chiles McGhee - "Returning Home"
Michael McManus - "I Can Sing Like That"
Peter McMillan - "Carrot Top"
Peter McMillan - "The Funeral"
Peter McMillan - "The Letter"
Peter McMillan - "They Say"
Doris Niswonger McGohon - "Land of the South"
Doris Niswonger McGohon - "November is Here"
Mary Maupin - "Misty Shadows on the Lake"
N. Ray Maxie - "Attention All Officers, All Stations: Wanted for Murder"
N. Ray Maxie - "Hurricane Winds Stripped Decal From Patrol Car Door"
N. Ray Maxie - "Kerosene Stops Severe Blood Loss"
N. Ray Maxie - "Patching Potholes in the Dirt Road"
N. Ray Maxie - "Watermelons Fresh and Fine"
Corey Mesler - "Morning Design"
Corey Mesler - "Nighttripping", "Black Fly"
Dick Michener - "Decisive Moment"
Fred Miller - "Executions"
Joe Mills - "The Vintner"
Phillip Mitchell - "House of God"
Church E. Modlin, Jr. - "Wood Heat"
Richard Modlin - "Instructions for a First Confession"
Richard Modlin - "Raccoon Encounter"
Ryan Lee Moran - "Pain, within"
Karen Mossman - "Down by the River"
Carroll Moth - "Sisters: Sometimes the Familiar Is Good"
George Motz - "Assassination of the Great Man"
George Motz - "I Am Now a Dirty Old Man"
Christopher Mulrooney - "ash and golem"
Keith Murphy - "Road Trip, Part 1"
Keith Murphy - "Road Trip, Part 2"
Keith Murphy - "Road Trip, Part 3"
Rose Murphy - "Good Night Irma"
Rose Murphy - "Little Boy"
Rose Murphy - "Time for the Last Senior Year"
John Murtagh - "War of Words"
Josh Nash - "Tireless Form"
Josh Nash - "To Become Color Merely"
Raghab Nepal - "Cigarette"
Bridgett Nesbit - "At the Cross"
Bridgett Nesbit - "Boy, Was I Wrong"
Bridgett Nesbit - "Precious Memories"
Peter Nezafati - "Hurled Headlong"
Ben Norwood - "Grandfatherhood", "Play It As It Lays" *
Ben Norwood - "Illumination"
Ben Norwood - "Jackie Oakie Looks at Retirement"; "Philly Conundrum"
Ben Norwood - "Pottering As An Act of Grace" *
Randall Nunn - "Death of an Armadillo"
Michael O'Brien - "A Matter of Pride"
Paula Offutt - "Arrivals and Departures"
Paula Offutt - "Growing Up on the Farm"
Paula Offutt - "White Trash, Dirty Laundry and the Southern Mafia"
Tonelius Oliver - "Deuce"
Tonelius Oliver - "Silhouetted Psychosis"
Sally O'Quinn - "Crack in the Stone"
Sally O'Quinn - "Magnetic"
Sally O'Quinn - "Storyteller"
Richard Osgood - "An Account of Malicious Intent"
Richard Osgood - "Eulogy for a Common Man"
Mary Owens - "Lake Linville"
Erin Oxendine - "What My Father Left Behind in the Fire"
Carl Palmer - "Magnolia Mississippi"
Carol Papenhausen - "Snakes and Crazy People"
John Parker - "300 Feet Below Cardwell Mountain"
Pamela Johnson Parker - "Two Southern Cliches as Shaping Principles..."
Kimberly Parrott - "My Atlas"
Patricia E. Patterson - "A Grasp for Love"
Patricia E. Patterson - "Meadow Run"
Patricia E. Patterson - " The Journal"
Diane Payne - "Neighbors"
Ronald Paxton - "Appomattox"
Ronald Paxton - "The Pocket Watch"
Bill Peach - "Circus Minimus"
Bill Peach - "The Naked Lapel"
Lonnye Sue Pearson - "Jazz It Up"
Lonnye Sue Pearson - "Making Memories"
Marion Bolick Perutelli - "She Took His Hand, Prologue"
Marion Bolick Perutelli - "The Pet Peeve"
Jolina Petersheim - "A Knowledge Worth More Than Einstein's Intelligence"
Jolina Petersheim - "Firecracker Red"
Marge Petesch - "Daddy's Little Girl"
Carol Dee Pigg - "The Brier Sings the Blues"
Sherry Poff - "You in the Other Room"
Julia Lee Pollock - "And the First Shall Be Last"
Julia Lee Pollock - "How Big Is Your iPod?"
Julia Lee Pollock - "Quilts"
Julia Lee Pollock - "Roy's Cafe Pistachio" *
Julia Lee Pollock - "Screams"
Julia Lee Pollock - "The Land of Milk and Honey"
Julia Lee Pollock - "The Things We Like the Best"
Carole Poppleton - "Gingham Ducks and Retread Soles"
Currie Alexander Powers - "Shoes Got Up, Walked Away on Their Own" *
Currie Alexander Powers - "Stick a Fork in Me"
Shannon Prince - "My Woman"
Shannon Prince - "Queen"
Elle Pryor - "Ready Aim Fire"
Denise Purcell - "A Circus Elephant in Purple Pumps Sets Out to Meet the New Preacher"
Danny Purvis - "Parrot, Sun, Lady"
Rick Quick - "How To Be Happily Married Without Her Knowing It"
Rick Quick - "The New You"
Don Quigg - "The Ferndale Country Club Boxing Committee"
Stanislav Rabikovich - "Colored Mindful Imagination"
Nelda Rachels - "Astronomy, Layman Style" *
Nelda Rachels - "Mother's Hands in Church" *
Nelda Rachels - "Punching the Clock"
John Ragsdale Jr. - "Of Sassafras and Mayhaws"
Winston Rand - "A Will to Live"
Winston Rand - "Journey to Fear"
Karen Clark Rasberry - "Grandma Della's Dutch Oven"
Niles Reddick - "Go Granny Go"
Joe Reese - "How Grownups Can Still Go to the Movies"
Joe Reese - "Writing and Fishing"
Deborah Rey - "Strawberry Fields Forever"
Deborah Rey - "The Bonsai Liberation Fund"
Deborah Rey - "The Front Lawn of Tara"
Deborah Rey - "The Last Plane"
Deborah Rey - "The Liberation"
Thomas Reynolds - "78s", "The Memory of Returning Home" *
Thomas Reynolds - "A Story My Uncle Ford Might Have Told"
Thomas Reynolds - "Blue Cup"
Thomas Reynolds - "Delmer"
Thomas Reynolds - "Gospel Ship"
Thomas Reynolds - "Horse Egg"
Thomas Reynolds - "How Food Should Be Served"
Thomas Reynolds - "January Night at the Folks"
Thomas Reynolds - "Maple Sugaring"
Thomas Reynolds - "Slides From the Summer of 1972"
Thomas Reynolds - "Steel-Eyed Mistress"
Thomas Reynolds - "Uncle Coy"
Thomas Reynolds - "Wanda's Fried Chicken" *
Thomas Reynolds - "Winnegan"
Thomas Reynolds - "Wooden Peg"
Serena Rhew - "Southern Dirt"
Kathy Rhodes - "Doggles"
Kathy Rhodes - "Katrina, A Journal, Revisited"
Mark Rhodes - "The Boarder"
Judy Ricker - "The Peddler"
Robin Ricketts - "Trouble"
Robert Ridings - "Jake the Wonder Dog"
Robert Ridings - "When the Music Stops"
Tracy M. Rogers - "Power Outage #2"
Tracy M. Rogers - "Waterwitching (For Papa)"
Katie Allen Ross - "One Mississippi"
Laura Sobbott Ross - "My Grandmother's Dresses"
Randy Rudder - "Cutting the Cord"
Randy Rudder - "Photographic Memory"
Melissa Russell - "The 8-Second Ride"
Michael Salisbury - "Clutch"
Mary Ashmore Scobey - "Les Pommes a Paris"
Mary Ashmore Scobey - "Paul Rainey, A Legendary Figure"
Jo Ann Scott - "Preacher Donavan's Nephew"
LB Sedlacek - "Paint"
Tom Sheehan - "Leaving for Viviers"
Tom Sheehan - "On My Father's Blindness"
Tom Sheehan - "Receipt at Ogden's Twist"
Tom Sheehan - "Sacrifice Fly"
Tom Sheehan - "Silent Retrieval"
Tom Sheehan - "Swan River Daisy"
Tom Sheehan - "The Boy Who Dug Worms at Mussel Flats"
Tom Sheehan - "The Librarian's Lot"
Tom Sheehan - "The Town Without Butter"
Tom Sheehan - "The Prisoner"
Dana Sieben - "Autumn"
Dana Sieben - "Those Summer Days When We Swam"
Susie Siegel - "Cumberland Island"
Eric Simonds - "Walls"
Maurice Skillern - "Mother"
Anna Smith - "Purity"
Danny Smith - "Somewhere Safer"
Jennifer Smith - "Heat"
Lance Smith - "It May Be the Last"
Ruth Smith - "Yard Sale"
Hank Sosnowski - "Green Light Girl"
Colleen K. Speroff - "Mile Marker 15" *
Sharlene Spires - "The Day Mama Got Lost"
Phil Stack - "Marriage Forever: Secrets of a Romantic Man"
Laura Stamps - "The House Finch"
Heather Stephens - "Grief"
Carol Spear Stewart - "Cornbread", "Blue Pitcher"
David Stillwagon - "The Last Time Daddy Sang"
E. Mitchell Stone - "Time Lapse"
Athena Strickland - "Remembering Buddy"
Donald B. Strickland - "The Homecoming"
Garland Strother - "Field of Flowers"
Garland Strother - "Flowering Dogwoods"
Suma Subramaniam - "The Thunderous Tsunami"
Mary Ann Sullivan - "Gathering South Asia Through Our Eyes"

T - Z

Amy Kloeblen-Tarver - "Sounds of Night"
Janice Krasselt Tatter - "The Little Rock Train Station: 1944"
Janet Harp Taylor - "Mississippi-isms"
Rena Taylor - "Of Strawberries and Girls Named Alice"
The Anonymous Mother - "Change of Venue"
The Anonymous Mother - "Conflict Enhancement"
The Anonymous Mother - "From Blue to Green"
The Anonymous Mother - "Tabu"
Linda Therber - "Coloring Outside the Lines" *
Linda Therber - "Story Untold, Music Unwritten"
Linda Therber - "Wired"
Michael W. Thomas - "Strawberries and Frightened Water"
Michael W. Thomas - "The Man with the Double Watch"
Patricia Thomas - "The Red Dress"
Kathleen Thompson - "Woman's Wait"
Henry Tonn - "Hyperactive"
Kristin O'Donnell Tubb - "Knocks of the Opportunistic and Hard Kinds" *
Robert Turner - "Encore"
John M. Valentine - "Beefather"
John M. Valentine - "Descansos"
John M. Valentine - "Morning Glories"
John M. Valentine - "Writing"
John M. Valentine - "You, Poet"
John M. Valentine - "Vietnam Memorial"
John M. Valentine - "Wisdom"
David Vandiver - "Missing You"
Sonny Vergara - "Chicken Hawk"
Kathleen Vibbert - "Cakewalk"
Kathleen Vibbert - "Sweet Home Alabama" *
Michelle Wagner - "Traveler"
Sara E. Walker - "Sometimes My Mind Wonders"
Townsend Walker - "Super Secrets"
Paula Wall - "The Linguists"
Luke Wallin - "Watermelon Love"
Evan Walsh - "Mirror Analysis"
Judith B. Walter - "A Tapestry to Treasure"
Judith B. Walter - "A Walk in the Garden"
Judith B. Walter - "I Wonder as I Wander"
Christian Ward - "Plath"
Clifford K. Watkins, Jr. - "A Painter's Ghost"
Clifford K. Watkins, Jr. - "Aunt Gail's Christmas Surprise"
Clifford K. Watkins, Jr. - "Clouds Can Have Faces"
Clifford K. Watkins, Jr. - "Faces In A Puddle"
Clifford K. Watkins, Jr. - "Moments to Minds to Madness", "May River Madness"
Clifford K. Watkins, Jr. - "Music Box"
Clifford K. Watkins, Jr. - "Paper Dolls Shaded Green"
Clifford K. Watkins, Jr. - "Railroad Avenue"
Clifford K. Watkins, Jr. - "The Scene"
Ben Watson - "Promise Sonata"
Ben Watson - "The Crescent and the Cross"
Mary Ann Weakley - "Flying Home"
Mary Ann Weakley - "The Red Coat and the Rain"
Colleen Wells - "Enough"
Kory Wells - "INTERVIEW: Something Got a Hold of Me: The Passions of Author Silas House"
Kory Wells - "Phenomena"
Kory Wells - "Trade Day" *
Steve West - "A Good Day"
Steve West - "Reunion: Ozarks"
Steve West - "To Two Posters on my Wall", "Poem for Fred"
Elizabeth Westmark - "The Pond Builder's Son"
Thomas White - "The Train"
Heather Wibbels - "Tiny Seconds"
Judith Causey Wiggins - "Seeking Answers"
Katrina Parker Williams - "Grandpa's Courtship"
Katrina Parker Williams - "The Fear of My Father"
Shawna Williams - "What Happened Next?"
Ernest Williamson III - "The Selling of the Souls"
Leslie Wilson - "Miss Emily Ann"
Sharran WindWalker - "My Invisible Path"
Christopher Woods - "Woman with Fevers"
Brenda Wilson Wooley - "Nicknames"
Barbara Ledford Wright - "Private Fireworks"
Paul H. Yarbrough - "Billy Went a Courtin'"
Paul H. Yarbrough - "Deedee and Me"
Paul H. Yarbrough - "The Little Town with the Big Heart"
Janet Yung - "Aunt Doris"


Copyright © 2004-2010 Muscadine Lines: A Southern Journal published quarterly in Franklin, Tennessee