Muscadine Lines: A Southern Journal

Fictitious Line

Dimitris P. Kraniotis

of cigarettes
and mugs
full of coffee,
to the fictitious line
where the eddy
of words
leans against
and nods,
to my silence.


Dimitris P. Kraniotis is an award-winning Greek poet. He studied at the Medical School in Thessaloniki. He lives and works as a medical doctor/specialized pathologist in Larissa, Greece. He is Founder and President of World Poets Society (W.P.S.), the Editor and Director of the online poetic libraries Greek Poet, International Poet and Hellenic Words, the Editorial Director of the medical magazine Hippocrates, President of the Economic and Social Council of the Prefecture of Larissa, a Member of the Editorial Board of the Greek literary magazine Graphi and a Member of the Board of Directors of the Larissa Medical Association and Larissa Medical Society. Three of his poetic collections have been published: Traces (poems in Greek, 1985), Clay Faces (poems in Greek, 1992) & Fictitious Line (poems in Greek, English and French, 2005). His poems have been translated into English, French, Romanian, Dutch and Portuguese. He has won a number of international literary awards for his poetry (in Greece, USA, UK and France), which has been published in many countries around the World (USA, UK, India, Algeria, Korea, China, Brazil, France, Australia, Canada, Germany, Belgium, South Africa, Italy, Nigeria, Argentina, El Salvador & Turkey).

© Dimitris P. Kraniotis

Muscadine Lines: A Southern Journal , Copyright © 2004-2007